Laser cut stickers and labels from TroLase Lights

Laser kiss cutting allows to cut the top layer of a material without cutting through an attached material. A typical application is laser kiss cutting sticker labels. By using the right settings, the label can be cut without cutting the backing material like an adhesive foil. Typically, CO2 lasers are used for kiss cutting applications. Laser kiss cutting can also be combined with perforating or “through cutting” on a single application.

Advantages Laser Kiss Cut method:

  • Virtually unlimited cutting path. The laser beam can be moved in any direction in 2D, unlike other processes that use knives or saws.
  • Sticky materials that would otherwise bind to a blade can be kiss cut.
  • Very hard or abrasive materials can be kiss cut.
  • High speed cutting while maintaining accuracy.
  • Digital process, no expensive dies required.

View TroLase Lights range.

Kiss Cut file TroLase Lights
Define the different cutting lines

Define the individual parameters for kiss cutting, perforating and cutting completely through: 

Red: Laser Kiss Cut: Only the foil but not adhesive backing will be cut.
Blue: Cutting line for perforated cutting around each single label: Links are set so that the labels don't fall but that they can be easily removed from base material by tearing the perforation.
Yellow: Cutting line for each strip of labels: cuts through foil and adhesive backing.

Kiss Cut from TroLase Lights
Laser settings

Send the graphic to the laser and use the following settings. Air assist should be switched on and one pass is sufficient:

Black = Engraving: P: 60 %, v: 100 %, 600 dpi, z-Offset 2 mm; choose high quality

Red = Kiss Cut: P: 12 %, v: 2%, PPI/Hz 6000

Blue = Perforate: P: 20 %, v: 2 %, PPI/Hz 1000, activate Links

Yellow = Cutting: P: 40 %, v: 4 %, PPI/Hz 1000

We used a Trotec Speedy 400 CO2, 80 watts with a 2" lens. Parameter are valid for engraving 3 consecutive sheets. Parameters are the same for all colours. 

tips laser kiss cut
  • Table: Use a vacuum table and acrylic cutting table. All sections of the table not covered by the sheets should be covered with paper and/or tape in order to increase the strength of the vacuum.
  • Focus: First switch on the vacuum then focus the laser.
  • Engraving direction: Engrave from bottom to top. Like that the core will not be coloured by the removed layer above.
  • Engraving only one sheet: Of course you can engrave only one colour or sheet if required. If processing only one sheet, optimise the parameters by lowering the power by 10 %.